Alexander Efimov: Arabian start

Text: Natalia Orlova-Obolenskaya


You are known as an expert in the Middle East and North Africa, a diplomat with extensive experience. The appointment of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Russia to the UAE was a logical continuation of the activity. It is necessary to solve complex problems in a very difficult time for the region. How did you decide on this step?

Alexander Efimov: For 33 years now, I have been working at the Foreign Ministry in the Middle East. During this time, I had long trips to Iraq, Syria, Libya, Jordan and short-term trips to almost all other Arab countries. For the past three years, I served as Deputy Director of the Department of the Middle East and North Africa at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. So, as you see, my arrival here as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation was not an accident, but became, so to speak, a new stage of professional growth.

I will not say that the decision to work in the UAE was difficult for me. Of course, imagining a large complex of tasks facing the embassy, ​​the responsibility assigned to me, and the fact of serving in such a unique place in many respects as the countries of the Arabian Peninsula, I experienced some excitement. Athletes before the start or artists, even the greatest ones, feel something like this before going on stage.

By the way, I do not consider myself to be some outstanding expert on the Arab world - this is a complex region with many pitfalls and surprises. Claiming a thorough knowledge of all the local nuances and features would be rash. You can spend decades studying it, and then turn back and understand that everything has changed once again and you need to start all over again. Although, of course, basic things are preserved, they must be relied on. As for the Emirates, starting in Moscow to get acquainted with the history of this country, its relations with Russia, I realized that I would meet with friendly people who would not put minor differences of opinion above the good traditions of our bilateral cooperation.

2014 was declared the Year of Culture in Russia. I am sure that the Russian Embassy in the UAE did not take this news by surprise! Especially considering what kind of support you provide to numerous cultural projects in the country. What role does cultural exchange between Russia and the UAE play? Is it possible to say that in recent years the emirates' interest in Russian culture has increased?

Alexander Efimov: This was great news for us. And this is a good opportunity to make the richest cultural and historical heritage of our country even more accessible and open for the Russians themselves and for the whole world, including, of course, the emirates, who began to visit Russia more often, not only for business purposes, but also as tourists.

The UAE's genuine interest in Russian culture is also manifested in the fact that here, with pleasure and sincere warmth, Russian artists, music and dance groups, films of our directors are welcomed. On the Emirate’s side, there are still few such visits to Russia, but there is already something to tell about. For example, in September, the Abu Dhabi Police Orchestra took part in the Moscow Spasskaya Tower festival.

Work continues on the preparation of a draft profile intergovernmental agreement with the UAE. The embassy takes an active part in this area, we are doing everything in our power to facilitate and increase cultural exchanges between our countries as much as possible.

You often talk about the need to solve a number of important tasks in the UAE in the field of work with compatriots, primarily in regard to the consolidation of the Russian-speaking diaspora. What role does Russian culture play in this? How important is the work to promote the Russian language in the cultural space of the UAE?

Alexander Efimov: Russian culture plays a fundamental role in the consolidation of Russian compatriots in the UAE and around the world. This pivot, that landmark, which always reminds that, even being scattered in different countries, the inhabitants of a large Russian house remain a family and move in a general direction. I am sure that the events of the Year of Culture in Russia will further strengthen its status.

You correctly emphasize the Russian language, because this is the most important unifying factor. The leadership of our country, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are closely monitoring the situation with the Russian language beyond its borders, and the Emirates are no exception. To the general satisfaction, Russian speech today, without exaggeration, has turned into a harmonious element of the local cultural space. This was achieved largely thanks to our active diaspora in the UAE, its efforts to develop Russian-language education and the media. Our embassy is also making a modest contribution, helping to ensure that such good undertakings of our compatriots on Arabian soil receive the necessary support.

Is it time to create an all-emirate compatriots youth movement? Or has the time for such initiatives not yet come?

Alexander Efimov: Quite the contrary, the time has come for the implementation of such projects. The development of the organizational structures of the Russian-speaking diaspora in the UAE has created all the necessary prerequisites for creating a full-fledged emirate youth movement here. Moreover, I can say that representatives of the young generation of our compatriots have already approached me on this subject, even expressed concrete proposals that, after appropriate study, could well have been put into practice. In any case, the embassy fully supports such ideas and is ready to provide the necessary assistance in their implementation.

A representative of the Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States, compatriots living abroad, and international humanitarian cooperation began to work. What are his tasks? Is this not the first step towards the appearance in the UAE of the Russian Center for Science and Culture?

Alexander Efimov: The representative office of Rossotrudnichestvo in the UAE faces a wide range of tasks, and listing them all will take a very long time. This, for example, facilitates the holding of coordinated events by our compatriots associations, including exhibitions, forums, festivals dedicated to the significant dates of our common history and culture, as well as assisting in obtaining education in accordance with Russian standards, in organizing Russian language courses. In general, the activities of Rossotrudnichestvo in the UAE are concentrated on two main areas. The first is to ensure the realization of the cultural needs of our compatriots, to help them maintain their cultural identity. The second is to acquaint foreign citizens, including, in particular, the emirates with the cultural diversity of Russia, the rich heritage of our centuries-old history, to arouse in them an interest in Russian science, literature, music and Russia as a whole. There really are plans to open a Russian center for science and culture. And we are actively working on their implementation.

In 2013, an agreement was signed between the Abu Dhabi Department of Finance and the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) to establish a joint investment fund. Vladimir Putin considers this "a breakthrough moment, opening up new colossal opportunities." How big, in your opinion, are the prospects for this financial basis?

Alexander Efimov: I’ll clarify that in reality we are talking about two agreements with the UAE. The first - the creation of a $ 2 billion joint investment fund by the Russian Direct Investment Fund and the Mubadala emirate company - was reached in June. The second was concluded in September between the RDIF and the Department of Finance of Abu Dhabi and involves the creation of a partnership (the Emirate side promised to invest up to $ 5 billion in it) for investment in infrastructure projects in Russia, including, for example, the construction of the Central Ring Road. This is actually an unprecedented step forward in bilateral affairs, and not just a successful financial transaction.

Such agreements are a clear example of the fact that our relations with the UAE are developing not only in quantitative terms, but also move to a qualitatively new level. This is a confirmation that the emirates see in the face of Russia a promising and, most importantly, reliable partner. Without such a high mutual trust, hardly anyone would dare to make a decision on investments of such a scale.

The growth of business activity of Russian companies participating in the implementation of national projects is obvious. But are there any questions in the foreign economic relations of countries that need to be addressed with the help of such an instrument as the Russian Council of Entrepreneurs?

Alexander Efimov: I can say with confidence that there are no problematic issues in foreign economic relations between the two countries.

As I already said, the UAE treats us well and, as far as I can tell from my contacts with the emirates, Russian business is actively inviting here, opening doors to all segments of the economy.

Many large companies from Russia and dozens of smaller companies are already represented in the Emirates. Another thing is that this successful and dynamically developing country is attractive not only for Russia, but also for many other states and foreign companies. Competition in the Emirates is exceptionally high. Even in order to get to the local market it is necessary to go through a strict selection system of potential partners, which not all Russian economic operators can do.

In this sense, great hopes are placed precisely on the Russian Council of Entrepreneurs that you mentioned. Its businessmen have already managed to accumulate rich experience in local realities and could help our business circles understand the intricacies of the emirate's economic and legal systems.

Such mutual assistance and solidarity would significantly expand the presence of Russian enterprises here.

Among the many agreements between representatives of business circles of the Russian Federation and the UAE, there is a contract on the creation of a dealer center for the Kamaz automobile plant in Abu Dhabi. Given the interest of the Emirates in car racing, the popularity of Desert Challenge, the specifics of the country's landscape and the successes of the legendary Kamaz-master, were they discussing the possibility, for example, of creating a club for Kamaz racing enthusiasts in the UAE?

Alexander Efimov: Why not. If there really are enough people willing to create such a sports organization, and, as I understand it, not only our compatriots, but also emirates and foreigners can be among them, then the embassy will not stand aside and will make its contribution. In the end, this is another visual gesture in support of the well-known and respected domestic producer.

2013 was remembered for the bright victory of Russian diplomacy in the Middle East region. Thanks to a focused strategy and active calls for an inclusive dialogue, especially on the Syrian issue, Russia has managed to achieve a lot!

How great are the prospects for holding a leading position? I would like to hear your assessment of what is happening - from the point of view of the further development of Russian cooperation with the Middle East countries and the UAE?

Alexander Efimov: The fact that we have now managed to avoid external military intervention in Syria, the spread of waves of conflict in other parts of the Arab region and beyond is really a great achievement. No less important is the progress in preparing the international conference on CAP, which is due to take place in January.

As President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin noted in his annual address to the Federal Assembly, as part of the efforts of the international community in the Middle East and, in particular, the Syrian direction, the choice was made in favor of the fundamental principles of international law, common sense and the logic of the world. This approach meets the interests of all states and the peace forces of the Middle East region, and Russia has made a significant contribution to its implementation in practice, directly contributing to the adoption of breakthrough decisions on the Syrian track.

At the same time, playing an active role in Arab affairs, we have never once compromised our own interests and security, nor global stability. Moreover, Russia does not strive for world or regional hegemony, does not impose its protection on anyone, does not try to teach life to anyone. It is important for us, first of all, to defend international law, to achieve respect for national sovereignty, independence and identity of peoples, to solve problems that arise exclusively by political means, without resorting to forceful actions.

We have never acted as lawyers for the Bashar al-Assad regime, nor have we divided Syrian citizens into "bad" and "good." On the contrary, Russia is consistently working with both Damascus and the opposition, encouraging both of them to launch an inclusive national dialogue in the CAR as soon as possible. Acting through bilateral channels and through UN structures, Moscow is providing assistance to peaceful Syrians who have suffered as a result of military operations and acute humanitarian crisis.

It is gratifying to see that more and more Middle Eastern countries share not only our line regarding Syria. We have a common strategic goal - to ensure that the Arab world, with which we have traditionally been friendly relations, has become a stable and prosperous region.

Perhaps, as an orientalist expert, you are interested in a philosophical understanding of the situation and events. And you, for example, want to take up a pen and start preparing sketches for a future book about the UAE or the Middle East? And do Russian Emirates have a chance to publish selected fragments first?

Alexander Efimov: I must admit, the philosophical understanding of what is happening around me is not alien. Over the years spent in the Middle East, a lot of impressions have accumulated. I’ve been here for only six months, but I already realized that the Emirates will add a lot of food for thought. Unfortunately, it is difficult to imagine when I can put all this on paper. What is here at the post of Ambassador, that at the Central Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Moscow, there is sorely lacking time - not even a monograph, but even full communication with relatives.

In any case, I will not forget the request to publish my hypothetical work first. The main thing is that there is something to print.

How do you plan to celebrate the New Year? What gift would you like to receive? And what favorite dish of Russian or Arabic cuisine will be on your holiday table?

Alexander Efimov: I used to meet the New Year holidays in a relaxed atmosphere, in the family circle. I like not to receive gifts, but to give, make surprises.I’m unpretentious in food and I don’t have any special New Year’s preferences and I’m happy to eat everything that my wife cooks for me. The main thing, I repeat, is the comfort and warmth of the hearth, which for me decorates the holiday.

Watch the video: Universe of Yakko Russian.flv (July 2024).