And a bow on the side

Anything can be in this box. It is wrapped in beautiful paper and tied with a bow on top. Yes, yes, the very bow that can be attached to any line of what, and thanks to which this very “something” will be called a gift.

How many such "very-useful-in-the-household-and-in-general-necessary" things are stored in the back streets of our homes. Scary to imagine! In the best case, they decorate with themselves numerous shelves and dressers or are simply banal dust collectors. In the worst case, they immediately go to the bin after the donor leaves, showered with a million of your thanks. Somewhere in the middle lies the option of gifting a “very valuable thing” to some distant relative from the province for some important “patronal” holiday, such as May Day or March Eighth. Nobody needs bronze horses with wings, teapots with rivets, sets of cutting boards painted “under Khokhloma”, vases and figurines wander around apartments and houses.
Even the once relevant postulate "The best gift is a book" today sounds a bit ironic. No, of course, there are a huge number of people who read reading as one of their main hobbies, but, as a rule, they are anxious about their own libraries, and therefore they are unlikely to please them with the heartily presented brochure "Entertaining Chemistry and Fireworks at Home". And the detective, acquired at a book collapse near the metro of the average casual, can even bring accusations of bad taste on the head of the donor. Even if there is a bow on the side. To hell with that, it will still remain what it is.
In the matter of giving gifts, there is another important and very delicate moment. This is the budget within which a gift must be purchased. The donor is afraid of cheapening and overdoing both the amount and the logic of choosing a gift. You must admit that the 120-year-old collection cognac, presented as a gift to the non-drinker, will cause at least bewilderment, and the latest Tefal pan, presented to the glamorous beauty who dreams about the “Star Factory”, will be perceived as the shackles that strive to rivet her kitchen and dull life. You can, of course, be like practical Americans and Canadians who give gifts with sales receipts from stores, so that the recipient can exchange them on occasion with something necessary and more suitable. But this approach, it seems to me, negates the whole charm of the process of giving and receiving a gift. Too pragmatic ...
What to do? Thanks to Chernyshevsky, he was the first to start asking this question, though on a different occasion, but now this is no longer important. The way out, like all ingenious, is simple. The most convenient way not only to not offend anyone, but also to please and surprise you by all means is gift certificates. Fortunately, today they are produced by leading supermarket chains, fitness clubs, spa salons, leisure and entertainment centers, restaurants and night clubs. In a word, the choice is huge, it’s enough to decide which certificate, on what occasion and to whom to give.
In the Emirates, the idea of ​​gift certificates fell on fertile soil. They are produced here, if not all, then by many companies and retail chains (Caution! Do not confuse gift certificates with a discount card system or membership cards). For example, knowing the culinary preferences of your mother-in-law, you can safely get a certificate from the Choitram supermarket chain with a face value of 100 to 500 dh or more, where you can buy not only a variety of products, but also kitchen utensils, home accessories and much more (useful). Believe me, your "mother-in-law" (from the English mother-in-law), will only thank you.
To beloved woman is even easier to please. It is enough to give her a certificate in one of the luxurious expensive Spa-centers. Moreover, you can purchase any specific procedure or pay the N-th amount of time spent in the Spa (from two hours to a whole day), thereby allowing anyone to decide what she wants most today - chocolate wrap or exotic massage, anti-aging treatments for the face or the fight against cellulite. If this does not seem enough, you can turn to gift certificates from leading jewelry companies in the UAE. This is a completely win-win option. First, the lady chooses what she likes and goes on, and not what the donor may impose on her with good intentions. Secondly, there will be no whims about the size, purity and brilliance of diamonds, the color of the chosen gold, the size and design of jewelry. Is the lady happy? Yes? Everyone is happy! Carcass!
Give your children the whole day at the water park, dad - deep sea fishing, the boss or an important business partner - a dinner in a restaurant or a voucher for a good accessories store like Montblanc or Dunhill, the closest relatives have a family weekend in one of the hotels. Give your beloved a certificate in a fitness club or riding school. Yes, you never know what other options are there. The main thing is that the company that issued the certificate receives an additional influx of customers, the donor receives a lot of pleasure from the fact that his gift will be received with joy and will not go to the corner where nobody needs things to “live”. The one who got the certificate will get something useful for himself or just have a good time, feeling that this is exactly what he was missing right now. And then, presented - thanks! And that same notorious bow will have nothing to tie, even from the side ...

/ Elena Olkhovskaya /

Watch the video: Lars Andersen explained - Arrow Left or right side of the bow? (July 2024).