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Rustar FC Football Club was established on August 14, 1999 at the initiative of Iskander Khalilov and Alexander Buranov

Until August 2004, the club was called Al-Bayan Union. The main goals in creating a football team and club were to attract citizens of the CIS countries working in the UAE to a healthy lifestyle, joint communication of members of their families on the basis of the club, participation in football tournaments organized in Dubai and other emirates, friendly games with teams from the CIS countries and local clubs.

Before the establishment of the Rustar FC club, the Spartak football team, consisting mainly of Russian citizens, successfully performed in the amateur championship of Dubai under the leadership of Vadim Shaposhnikov. After the dissolution of the Spartak team, many players moved to the Rustar FC team, where they continue to play until now.

The president of the Rustar FC football club is Iskander Rustamovich Khalilov (Ukraine), the team manager is Rinat Salikhovich Gubaev (Russia), and the coach is Akhmad Dadahonovich Igamberdyev (Uzbekistan). Currently, members of the international football club "Rustar FC" are more than forty citizens of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, as well as several citizens of Syria, India and Afghanistan, working and living in the UAE. Many of them, before arriving in the Emirates, graduated from youth football schools and played professionally as part of youth and adult teams in the championships of their countries.

Goals of the Rustar FC team in official games are defended by goalkeepers: Suleiman Kors (Syria), Alexey Tokaev (Russia), Jamol Kholmatov (Uzbekistan). The defenders are Pavel Peschansky (Kazakhstan), Mustafa Farhad (Syria), Dmitry Strakhov (Ukraine), Igor Pluzhnik (Russia), Besik Gasiashvili (Georgia), Alexander Bort (Ukraine). The functions of midfielders are usually performed by the Russians Vitaliy Alekseev, Alexander Titov, Yuri Duzhnikov, Alexey Aladyev, Sergey Khusnutdinov, Khabib Abdul Rakhim (Afghanistan), Stanislav Polishchuk (Azerbaijan), Khusnutdin Umerov (Uzbekistan). The teams are played by the Russians Alexander Gorbatykh, Valentin Dubskikh, Vitaliy Fadeev, Oleg Khirs (Ukraine), Umed Alidodov (Tajikistan), Hakob Mirzoyan (Armenia), Tamir Jamil (Syria).

The main rule of the team is the opportunity to participate in official games of all its members, physically and technically ready to play at the appropriate level. The result of the long-term existence of the Rustar FC football club has become good friendships for all players, as well as their families. In their free time from training and games, club members go fishing on a boat to the Persian Gulf, hold friendly parties dedicated to the club’s success, get together at the huge TV screens in sports cafes in Dubai and cheer for teams from Russia and the CIS countries in the world and European championships, in the UEFA Champions League.

The team "Rustar FC" has repeatedly met in friendly games with teams from Kazan and Moscow (Moscow Aviation Institute, the team of Russian television journalists and politicians). Between June and August 2005, the Rustar FC team participated in the summer tournament of the Emigrant Football League of Dubai. The game was held on half of the standard football field and consisted of two halves of 15 minutes. Two points were awarded for a victory, and one point for a draw. The team “Rustar FC” in the last four games of the summer tournament scored four victories in a row and, gaining 17 points in 15 matches, took 7th place in the final standings.

In the season 2005-2006. The Rustar FC team is based on the football field of the Etisalat Academy sports complex in Dubai. Training is held on Sundays from 20:30 to 22:30, and championship games - on Wednesdays from 20:30 to 22:30. The Rustar FC football team is participating in the next winter championship of the Emigrant Football League (Dubai Expat Football League), consisting of 16 amateur teams from Dubai and Sharjah. The Rustar FC team performed together with the HSBC, Grafton Blacks, Hi-Force Mongrels, Ocean Marine, HCT, AF Carillion, AXA Time Out teams. The team's scorers this season are Valentin Dubskikh, who scored 11 goals, Umed Adidodov, who scored 10 goals and Khusnutdin Umerov, scored 7 goals. We invite everyone to our club to play football!

Rinat Gubaev specially for the "Russian Emirates"

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