Dubai sets another record in hygiene - the largest number of nationalities washing their hands at the same time

In Dubai, a "clean" Guinness record was set. The city has gathered the largest number of nationalities ever washing their hands at the same time.

In Dubai, another record was set, aimed at improving the culture of hygiene. The city gathered the largest number of nationalities, washing their hands at the same time. This achievement was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records. The action involved 72 nationalities. The event was hosted by Unilever Gulf's Lifebuoy brand in Dubai on October 10, 2012.

The record was timed to coincide with World Handwashing Day, 200 people from 72 countries took part in it - all of them washed their hands at the same time. Residents of countries such as Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bolivia, Estonia, Hungary, Iraq, Malawi, Palestine, Syria, Ukraine and Zimbabwe joined the large-scale action.

I would like to note that this is far from the first campaign conducted by Unilever Gulf in support of a clean lifestyle and aimed at simultaneously promoting its brands.

Watch the video: Lifebuoy Global Handwashing Day Event in Dubai - October 2012 (April 2024).