In Dubai, another world record was recorded - the longest free fall

Once again, an extreme world record was made in Dubai. The Inflight Dubai wind tunnel had the longest free fall in the world.

Dubai once again was ahead of the whole planet in the field of extreme sports. In the Inflight Dubai wind tunnel, a group of athletes made the longest free fall in the world.

This achievement could not ignore the organization Guinness World Records and was listed in the Guinness Book of Records. The longest free fall lasted 7 hours 0 minutes 5 seconds, it was carried out by a group of athletes from Australia and Morocco: Jared Martin, Hinda Salim and Matt Müning. This record is ahead of the previous by more than 2 hours.

During a free fall, Guinness World Records officials recorded time on special monitors. Participants didn’t just “float”, but performed various figures in the air. Since this type of activity carries a rather high burden on the body, the athletes were dressed in special suits and put on head helmets.

Video announcement:

Watch the video: Felix Baumgartner's supersonic freefall from 128k' - Mission Highlights (May 2024).