In the next 5 years, the UAE will enter the top three most popular tourism destinations in the world.

As shown by the results of the study, which annually forms the indices of popularity of brands of the countries of the world, the United Arab Emirates have every chance to become one of the three most popular destinations of international tourism in the next five years.

The results of the Country Brand Index study, conducted by FutureBrand consulting company together with tourism experts Weber Shandwick's Travel & Lifestyle Practice, are designed to rank the countries of the world according to the popularity of each country as a brand. In total, 102 countries are evaluated annually. Although the United Arab Emirates did not occupy high positions in this ranking, they were recognized as one of the most promising areas of international tourism. According to the expert group, the UAE has every chance in the next five years to become one of the three most popular tourist centers, along with China and Vietnam. Other promising areas of experts recognized Croatia, South Africa and India.

This year, to the surprise of many, serious changes took place in the first three of the rating: the United States moved from first place the leader of the last three years - Australia, which went to third place, losing silver to Canada. This year, experts explain the sharp jump in the importance of the United States as a brand this year with nothing more than the “Obama effect”. The top five also included New Zealand and France. Italy came in sixth, followed by Japan and the United Kingdom. Germany took ninth place, and Spain closes the "hot" top ten global brands this year.

Watch the video: TOP 10 Things to do in DUBAI (July 2024).