Death sentence for boy killer in Dubai upheld

The Dubai Court of Appeal upheld the death sentence for the man who kidnapped and killed an eight-year-old boy.

On Sunday morning, the Dubai Court of Appeal ruled on the high-profile case of the abduction, rape and murder of eight-year-old boy Obaida Al Akrabavi. The earlier death sentence was upheld.

It is reported that the boy’s mother, who was present at the trial, was relieved to hear the verdict.

Obaida was abducted on May 20 last year. The boy was playing outside his father’s garage in the industrial area of ​​the Emirate of Sharjah when he was kidnapped by an accused. The baby's body was found two days later at Al Warqa in Dubai.

A criminal named Ali admitted that he drank a large amount of alcohol and strangled the boy, but denied the fact of sexual abuse and abduction, claiming that the child got into the car voluntarily.

A psychological examination ruled out that the accused had a mental illness claimed by the defense and found that the killer was responsible for his actions at the time the crime was committed. The conclusion states that “the patient suffers from an asocial personality disorder and alcohol dependence, but this does not affect his perception and the ability to distinguish the right from the wrong.” The results of CT scans were also within the normal range. No evidence of epilepsy was found.

Ali was sentenced to death by the Dubai Criminal Court on August 15. He was also found guilty of drinking alcohol and drinking and driving.

In response to allegations from the defense, Dubai Attorney General Essam Al Hummeidan said in his tweet that he would not calm down until the death sentence was imposed in Ali's case.

The case will be referred to the Court of Cassation. If he upholds this punishment, the Ruler of Dubai or the President of the country will have to approve the date and method of execution.

Watch the video: 19-Year-Old Gets Death Penalty For Raping Infant Under New Rajasthan Law (July 2024).